DraCo Systems
3380 Mitchell Lane, Suite 102
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: 303.440.5311
Fax: 303.440.5322
Technical Support: 303.440.5399
Email: draco-info@draco.com

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"What the digital video industry did was take something that was complex - video editing - and made it far too complicated. Certainly the digital equipment is more powerful, but it's usually too difficult to teach, to learn, and to use.

I teach editing here at Ryerson. The toughest thing to get through to my students is why it's so hard to do very simple editing tasks on a computer. The systems we have here are disasterous, they're just too complicated. We have courses that cost $12,000 to learn digital video editing on certain systems. Can you imagine spending $12,000 just to learn one software package?

The key for Casablanca is how easy it is to use. Casablanca has made digital editing a breeze.

I believe Casablanca will revolutionize our industry."

Robert Waterworth
Nonlinear Editing Instructor
Ryerson University

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©1996, DraCo Systems, Inc.
Phone: 303.440.5311
Fax: 303.440.5322
Technical Support: 303.440-5399
Email: draco-info@draco.com

Page Design: The Solution Studio

November 12, 1996